Setting up the Hosted Desktop Duo Security on your Android Phone

1. Once you have provided us with the relevant information (You will have received an email), you will get 2 Text Messages to your designated Android Phone Number 


2. On the First Text message, click the link


 3. Click Open URL

 4. Click Play Store then Just Once (This may not show if the Play Store is already your Default)

 5. Click Install

 6. Click Accept

7. Once installed, go back to your Text Messages

8. On the Second Text, click the Link

10. Click Open URL

 11. Click on Duo Mobile and then Just Once (This may not appear if this application is already the Default)

 12. You will then see your Company in the Duo Security App.

13. Log into Hosted Desktop as you would normally. A new window will appear, Authenticating....


14. You will get a Notification on your Android Phone.

15. Swipe from the top to get notification menu

16. You will get details on who is trying to log onto your Hosted Desktop. As it is you, click Approve

17. Click Confirm

 18. You will be Approved.

19. Your Hosted Desktop will now log on and you can continue as usual.